The debate and Connor Franta

During the Democratic debate recently a young man named Connor Franta from youtube posed the question, “how are all of you planning on engaging us further in this election”.
See here

Firstly the reason that none of the Presidential Candidates in any Presidential cycle go to extremes to try and engage your generation is that your generation, the generation with the most to gain or lose in any election is the group who consistently does not turn out and vote especially in non-Presidential elections.

My response to Connor:


Continue reading “The debate and Connor Franta”

Father of Koch Brothers Helped Build Nazi Oil Refinery, Book Says

The book, “Dark Money,” by Jane Mayer, traces the rise of the modern conservative movement through the activism and money of a handful of rich donors.

Source: Father of Koch Brothers Helped Build Nazi Oil Refinery, Book Says – The New York Times

Republican’s Screaming “Obama’s coming for your guns”

Now nowhere in any of the executive actions is there anything in any way limiting your right to own a gun.  Read this article for yourself.  In October, a CBS News/New York Times poll found that 92 percent of Americans — including 87 percent of Republicans — favor background checks for all gun buyers and the poll is here:  and several others here: Even executive vice president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) Wayne LaPierre says he is for universal background checks.  His testimony before congress is here, and you can see the entire legislative hearing here.

Continue reading “Republican’s Screaming “Obama’s coming for your guns””

World’s first human-like AI robot who could one day take YOUR job… and she’s terrifying

JUST a few years ago this would have been only imaginable in a futuristic sci-fi story.

Source: World’s first human-like AI robot who could one day take YOUR job… and she’s terrifying | Science | News | Daily Express

Military Force

I was in a discussion with someone today about our military presence all over the world.  I also agreed that we should not be sending our men and women all over the world to act as the worlds police force. And that military intervention should be the last resort…but I do believe that when we do send them two things should be clear:

  1. That there is enough of an American force there that the people there think that they are living on an America military base.
  2. We send enough troops and equipment that there is NO DOUBT in anyone’s mind why we are there and what our objective is…”to win”

Continue reading “Military Force”